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         9 March 2023          Danny R.

Carbon Fiction, Part 2

(This is part 2 of Carbon Fiction).

Planting more trees is a beautiful thing.

Mature and growing trees will soak up emissions over the course of their lifetime.

But no one has figured out how to plant a brand new mature tree that didn’t already exist – you can’t grow a mature tree overnight.

So planting new trees–saplings–to soak up all the gunk already in the air, is like employing a kid to guard a criminal.

Complete mismatch.

In Part 1 yesterday, the prison’s new solution was to install a logistically simple, but dramatically undersized tool (kids) to combat a problem (uncontrollable inmates).

And much like the planting-trees-to-combat-emissions solution, both “solutions” ignore the far more effective option that has been there all along.

Remove 👏 The 👏 Problem.

In other words, get rid of the prisoner.

(As in move them to max security or something, not get rid of them).

In real life, I have no idea how hard it is to move an inmate between prisons.

But in many many many cases, I know that removing emissions is far easier than checking how efficiently your sapling might be gobbling them up.

Some info on that here on

But how does one simply remove a problem? That’s not always an option–if your tap leaks, you don’t throw out the tap… if your laptop crashes, you don’t throw that out–so why is it an option here?

Part 3 tomorrow will wrap this thing up.

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