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         25 November 2023          Danny R.

What would nature say?

Two UK companies, Faith in Nature and House of Hackney, have appointed Nature to their board (via a human proxy).

It's what they're calling a Nature Guardian, and it's gaining momentum as an innovative and necessary step to give nature a real voice in company decision-making.

"At House of Hackney, co-founder Frieda Gormley said thinking about what nature would say has already made a difference; just a few weeks ago her firm turned down the offer of a lucrative collaboration that didn’t meet its environmental standards."

Sounds like a tough decision... But that is a very firm stance on their values that I don't think will go unnoticed. Talk about a signal!

However lucrative that opportunity was, I'll bet there'll be another one at least as good - and better aligned - just around the corner.

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