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         13 November 2023          Danny R.

Very doable impact

You may have seen a brand of small cars driving around called Cupra.

They're a spin-off of the SEAT brand (originally it's performance arm, now it's own marque). The cars that are driving around Aus at the moment are a combo of petrol cars, hybrids and full electric.

Plug-in hybrids (PHEVs) are their transitional tech - Cupra have openly stated on their About page, that their goal is to be a fully electric car maker by 2030.

Two things:

  1. 2030 is our first soft but critical deadline - we need to halve our global emissions by then. Some companies like Cupra are taking it more seriously by setting goals like this.
  2. Their About page is acting as a pseudo Impact Program. Once they're working on going fully electric (hopefully right now), I predict that the full-electric goal will evolve from simply being a paragraph on their About page, to being a full program of it's own.

They don't have a clear mission or vision statement (that I could find) but I can also see the electric goal influencing a rewrite of both as the brand moves closer towards that goal.

My point?

This is a global carmaker, but their "Impact Program" is young and evolving. Setting goals like this that you can build on is very doable.

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