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         16 December 2022          Danny R.

Unselfish gifts

Continuing the unintentional Christmas theme from most of this week, this is just a quick gift suggestion...

Oxfam and other charities sell gift cards that you buy for family, friends, clients... but are actually life-changing gifts for folks in need.

Eg: for $55AUD, you can buy a community garden for folks living in poverty; for $80 you can buy a cow or a hand loom; Or my favourite, for $25 you buy a chair, which is best described in Oxfam's own words:

"Ok so this gift isn’t literally a chair — it’s symbolic of the Pacific Island communities who will have a seat at the table and their voices heard on important issues such as climate change."

You give be the card to your mate and say "Well done, you gave these people a garden!".

You do a great thing, your mate gets the credit, and you teach them an important lesson about capitalism 😜

But seriously, I've received a handful of these cards in the past and I love them. Oxfam does cute photos and puns for the card itself, and they're just good fun that does a good thing.

I've also given a few and, aside from a handful of people who seemed confused that they weren't actually receiving anything themselves, they're generally a winner.

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We acknowledge that we work on the lands of the Wangal peoples of the wider Eora nation in the place now known as Sydney. We are humbled to work on Wangal lands, used for generations as a place for Aboriginal learning and knowledge exchange.

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