This is a low impact website.
         12 December 2022          Danny R.

Traffic light system (UK)

How handy would it be if we used a "traffic light" system like the image below here in Aus, to know whether a bank was a polluter or not?

Spotted this on LinkedIn today - the creator of this table (MotherTree) ranks UK banks depending on their investments in fossil fuels:

For us in Aus, one of the best equivalent sources we have is the Market Forces website - the holidays might be a good time to look at your banking, super and power supplier and decide who you'd like to switch to.

Start fresh in 2023 😁

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We acknowledge that we work on the lands of the Wangal peoples of the wider Eora nation in the place now known as Sydney. We are humbled to work on Wangal lands, used for generations as a place for Aboriginal learning and knowledge exchange.

We respect the Elders of the past, our current Elders and the Elders emerging for our future. May we all continue to look after Wangal, Eora and surrounding lands.

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