I was cleaning the car today and needed something pointy and sharp to run around the edge of the console to lift out all the dust and crud.
What I knew I needed was a safety pin. What I also knew was there wouldn’t be one in the car, so I rummaged through the glovebox to see what I could find.
Double-sure there was no safety pin, because I’d only just cleared the car out and cleaned it a week or so ago – every corner down to the glovebox.
But there it was – bottom of the glovebox, the exact safety pin I needed. When I saw it, I had no idea how it got there, but I still forehead-slapped myself and thought “of course – there’s always a safety pin!”.
My point:
You’ve done lots of courses. Bought lots of books. Purchased lots of apps and tools. Subscribed to lots of newsletters.
Whatever you’re working on right now requires a particular tool, and something new is tempting you to buy it. A new course or a new app or a new book.
You might already have a version of the thing you need, in your glovebox, waiting for you to find it.
So here’s a challenge:
Rummage… Go through your downloads folder, or your course bookmarks, and see… past-you might have already bought what you need right now 😉
For self-employed creatives, normal business traps are easy to fall into and overcomplicate things - but they’re totally avoidable when flying solo.
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2025 Impact Labs Australia.