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         27 October 2023          Danny R.

That’s unfortunate…

…were my exact words when I realised what went wrong today.

πŸ‘† That’s the moment I realised that I’d been speaking for 37 minutes uninterrupted… and no one heard a word.

I’m not on mute; The mic light is on; Sound feedback indicator thing is bouncing up and down, indicating it’s receiving sound.

I’d tested for a cumulative total of about 2 or 3 hours in the greenroom with Crowdcast (a new tool for me) to make sure everything was working. My slides worked. My camera didn’t randomly switch off on me like it always does.

I’d directed everyone to put questions into the Q&A tab, which is separate from the “chat” tab. I had the chat open, not the Q&A… but that was where people were telling me they couldn’t hear anything.

And the thing I can never prove is that I think I mostly nailed it, at least with not stumbling over myself. I’m not a great public speaker, but I was comfortable and flowing, and… f**k it, it’s not recorded!

Never got to the bottom of it, but when I tested later with my wife… of course, unplugging the mic and plugging it back in cleared out the gremlins.

My wife suggested I turn it into a silent film with sound effects, Benny Hill music, the works.

What surprised me is that I actually wasn’t as miffed about it as I should have been.

Yep, I wasted some people’s time (not sure when they dropped out, hopefully quickly), and it was a pretty good take that I’ll never get to analyse.

But it’s a lesson I probably needed.

I’ll run the webinar again, and some people have already re-registered which is great.

Here’s what I learned:

  • Webinar with a new tool is not the time to go “lone wolf”. Next week, I’ll have someone testing with me beforehand to make sure everything looks good from where they’re sitting.
  • While I’m not a great public speaker, I found that when I’m in my flow, it kind of comes together. So going again next week I won’t be as nervy as I was today.
  • There’s stuff I can cut out to make the re-take a little punchier.

I’m ok with that.

If you’d like to join the retake with free audio upgrade next week (Friday November 3 @ 11am), or be sent the recording afterwards, please register (again) here πŸ‘‰ Creating Sellable Digital Assets For Soloists.

And again, if you have questions beforehand drop them in there at anytime.

*taptap* πŸŽ™οΈ ?

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