This is a low impact website.
         20 February 2022          Danny R.

Staying top of mind

A lot of advice about branding involves staying top of mind for your customers.

Advertising is one way to do that. Another much cheaper way is sending a regular email newsletter like this one.

An easy trap (which I've fallen into), is hoarding email addresses, then never sending anything. When you eventually do, people forget who you are and why they signed up (see my note at the bottom of this email 😁).

Here's an email I received today:

Fair to say this company has not stayed top of mind for me - I went back through my history, and didn't even receive a welcome email when I signed up in 2014.

This is very common - leaving it a long time before contacting the folks who have given you their email address creates a void. It's not fatal, but there are likely to be lost opportunities.

I have no recollection of who this company is that emailed me today - they have something that interested me enough to have signed up in the first place, but I kinda need them to remind me about it. If they leave it to me, I'll forget and move on (clearly that's what happened).

Emailing is one small way to communicate your brand's message - as regularly as you like - and directly to the people who have expressed an interest in you.

So remind them who you are. The longer it is between hearing from you, the more likely they are to forget you and move on.

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We acknowledge that we work on the lands of the Wangal peoples of the wider Eora nation in the place now known as Sydney. We are humbled to work on Wangal lands, used for generations as a place for Aboriginal learning and knowledge exchange.

We respect the Elders of the past, our current Elders and the Elders emerging for our future. May we all continue to look after Wangal, Eora and surrounding lands.

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