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         7 April 2023          Danny R.

Shut me up

This was Project Drawdown‘s email today:

If images aren’t loading, it says “We did it! Earth has reached net zero greenhouse gas emissions!”, then invites you to imagine reading that headline someday.

Anyone’s guess, but my strong bet is that it will be a headline someday. Some of us might get to read it, or maybe our grandkids will.

Until then, there’ll always be something climate-related for me and others to bang on about. There’ll always be stuff we can do to get a step or two closer to that headline.

A Confucius quote I’ve shared here before:

“Those who move mountains begin by carrying away small stones.”

Let’s move small stones, play our part, and build a net zero mountain. Ideas for getting started here.

Then I’ll shut up 😉

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