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         18 October 2022          Danny R.

Science or miracles

I stumbled on a line in a book this morning that leapt off the page at me. It's an old consulting book so was a little unexpected:

"...and what are we leaving for the next generation? Our materialistic culture consumes it's resources and bets on science or miracles to cope with what we leave for those after us. What will our legacy be?"

This question meshes nicely with yesterday's email about creating decision making filters.

Using a framework for big decisions helps you to see what your legacy might look like, by defining what you want your legacy to look like before you're faced with those hard decisions.

The filters are wrapped in marketing assets you might already have - a mission statement or a purpose statement - but rewritten intentionally to be an easy reference for filtering big decisions through.

Quick reminder that on Friday November 25th at 3pm AEST, I'm running a free workshop that walks through how and why we create these marketing assets, and how you can use them for highly effective decision-making.

Fill out this form if you're interested in coming along.

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We acknowledge that we work on the lands of the Wangal peoples of the wider Eora nation in the place now known as Sydney. We are humbled to work on Wangal lands, used for generations as a place for Aboriginal learning and knowledge exchange.

We respect the Elders of the past, our current Elders and the Elders emerging for our future. May we all continue to look after Wangal, Eora and surrounding lands.

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