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         6 August 2023          Danny R.

"Resisting the change is no use"

Bit doomsday with the subject line today...

It's a quote about buildings and dwellings in Australia. The "change" is the inevitable need to switch from natural gas to electricity (quoted from this article) over the next few years.

Victoria just banned gas connections in new homes from 2024; New connections in public buildings are banned immediately; And governments around the country are all talking about similar steps.

It's awesome that such a big climate topic is high on all the agendas, but I expect it's most likely a cost thing. Another quote, same article:

Gas for so many years has been our friend. It's been plentiful and cheap. It's no longer plentiful, it's no longer cheap and it's also a fossil fuel.

Whatever the motivation, as long as it gets done that's a big win 👍

It means we'll be up for conversions and retrofits in our homes when conversion time comes... hopefully there'll be some rebates to help it get rolling.

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We acknowledge that we work on the lands of the Wangal peoples of the wider Eora nation in the place now known as Sydney. We are humbled to work on Wangal lands, used for generations as a place for Aboriginal learning and knowledge exchange.

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