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         27 August 2023          Danny R.

One-liners that push and pull

A one liner explaining your idea/thing/product could totally sell it, or totally kill it.

This was super clear as the fam and I walked around a local "Eco" festival today.

Most stalls were very cool - groups dedicated to teaching home owners how to transition to full electric homes, or save money by bulk-buying groceries with neighbours. Great ideas, great solutions, with great one-liners I can easily recall.

Others, I'm sure with great intentions, just failed on that initial pitch—to me anyway.

The lady behind the desk of one tent simply said "we're holding some events for people concerned with the climate crisis".

Theoretically, that should speak to me. I fit that category.

What I said out of politeness was "oh right, cool", but my real reaction was "eh, no thank you".

I don't know exactly why that pitch failed on me, it's been on repeat in my head since she said it... but I have a few ideas:

  • It's negative on negative: I personally think that's a poor combo for getting anyone to attend anything.
  • It's unspecific: What are these "events"? A talk; another festival; a hike; a protest rally; a bbq?
  • It's lacking a real reason: Why are people gathering to discuss the climate crisis? Are we coming up with solutions; calling out bad guys; or just getting together to panic a bunch?

I could have asked and likely had the answer to all of these questions, but that initial pitch just made me want to keep walking (that, and the toddler dragging me away).

I didn't expect to get such a powerful marketing lesson at this... market... but it's made me want to pay attention next time I'm at one, just to see how effective the one-liners are.

Your motivators might be different to mine... Perhaps negative on negative pushes you to act, or maybe it pushes you away like it did with me.

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