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         8 April 2023          Danny R.


I see strong for or against support for nuclear energy, and realised I have absolutely no idea where I stand because I know nothing about it, other than some locations now synonymous with nuclear disasters, and a few conspiracy theories.

As part of my gradual learning, I've started here: HolonIQ's Nuclear Deep Dive - The search for near-limitless clean energy generation.

It's obviously skewed in the for direction, but it's a start. If nothing else, I appreciate how dense-on-graphs and light-on-text the article goes.

Something that caught my attention was the frankness about it being non-renewable in the very first line:

Nuclear energy is a low carbon and non-renewable source of energy that contributes to approximately 10% of global electricity generated.

If it's something you've been wondering about too, I hope it helps as a kick-off point.

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We acknowledge that we work on the lands of the Wangal peoples of the wider Eora nation in the place now known as Sydney. We are humbled to work on Wangal lands, used for generations as a place for Aboriginal learning and knowledge exchange.

We respect the Elders of the past, our current Elders and the Elders emerging for our future. May we all continue to look after Wangal, Eora and surrounding lands.

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