TEM are a carbon offset provider for the Asia-Pacific region.
This is a quote from their FAQ titled “What is carbon offsetting?” (underline is mine):
Carbon Offsetting is an activity by businesses, consumers, and groups to firstly calculate, reduce emissions where possible or practicable and then offset their emissions. This process has been made increasingly popular by entities and individuals frustrated by a lack of ambitious and effective climate action at the national and international level.
Love the first sentence – one of the rare times I’ve seen a seller of offsets actually address offsets as an after-everything-else thing. This is the tone in many other parts of their website too, it’s refreshing.
I also agree with the underlined bit (that climate action globally could have more oomph) but what that line implies is that climate action is all up to governments, and that all we can do as frustrated bystanders is buy offsets.
So not true.
Those entities and individuals have options, lots of them.
They can reduce their own emissions however and whenever they choose to without waiting for governments to lead the way, or resorting to offsets out of frustration.
You need exactly zero permission to make your organisation cleaner and greener 😉
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