This is a low impact website.
         3 July 2022          Danny R.

Hard maybe, but not complicated

A lot of the talk around 2030 climate agendas sounds complicated – it’s really not.

You set your intentions, publish them for easy reference and accountability, then take steps towards making those intentions reality.

2 things:

1: You’re fighting convenience – meaning that the cheap and nasty options are often the easiest to come by. Many products made overseas have locally made equivalents, but you won’t find them in big box stores, so it’ll be on you to source better suppliers.

2: You need a goal before you can know if you’re moving towards it – a public declaration on your website is easy to find and quick to point to as you make progress.

Once you’ve declared your intentions, the work of improving your impact can be hard at times, which is why we start with quick wins.

Switch power suppliers; Switch banks; Switch your super.

Then chip away at it – get a list of every expense you’ve incurred in the last 3 years from your bookkeeper, and start looking for alternatives to every supplier who doesn’t fit your climate agenda.

Reply here if you have questions, I’d love to help.

We acknowledge that we work on Wangal land of the wider Eora nation now known as Sydney. Wangal land sadly no longer inhabits any Wangal people.

We pay respect to the Elders of the past, as well as current and emerging Elders of surrounding lands and beyond. Let's all care for Wangal land, the Eora nation and Country.

For self-employed creatives, normal business traps are easy to fall into and overcomplicate things - but they’re totally avoidable when flying solo.

Learn how to keep things simple, enjoyable, and climate-smart in around 2 minutes a day by joining The Climate Soloist.

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© 2025 Impact Labs Australia.
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