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         8 August 2023          Danny R.

Ethical super fund in the top 10

Want great returns on your super and action on climate?

Turns out you can actually have both.

All of Future Super's options performed well over financial year 2023, with a few hitting the top 10 in their sectors.

(Their email today goes into more detail about it, unfortunately their emails aren't archived online so there's nowhere to link to, but reply if you'd like to read it and I'll forward it to you).

Small snippet from the email:

We screen out many of the big banks, locally and internationally, because they fund fossil fuel projects. And recently, performance for bank stocks has been held back by recession fears.

Utilities (like energy companies) were one of the weakest performing sectors globally. Future Super’s screening approach paid off here too as we deliberately avoid investing in the vast majority of utilities companies due to their reliance on fossil fuels.

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