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         16 August 2022          Danny R.

Energy efficient homes

Did you know there is a national energy rating scheme, that measures the energy efficiency of your home and gives it a star rating out of 10?

Neither did I.

The Scheme is called NatHERS and it works like this (from their website):

"NatHERS Assessors currently use the house plans and building specifications of a home to input data into a NatHERS accredited software tool. NatHERS tools estimate the amount of heat that needs to be added or removed to keep that home comfortable. The NatHERS tools then generate a NatHERS star rating out of 10 and a Certificate. This star rating measures the home’s thermal performance, based on its structure, design and materials."

There's a process to follow if you're building a new home which can be found on that website. If you want your current home measured for energy efficiency, this is the page to find info on that (currently most links are Victoria focused).

Seems like a great solution to a problem a lot of homes would face - makes me think this should be a lot more well-known and promoted, with more links to more regions and states.

For now, this is a tiny nudge down the path to a more energy efficient home 🙂

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