This is a low impact website.
         8 September 2023          Danny R.

“Eco”: just another product line

Companies that add an “Eco” or “Green” or “Sustainable” product to their offerings, in my view, fall into one of two buckets:

  1. They’re getting started on their eco journey, and making a small commitment that they plan to expand on as they grow and learn, or
  2. They’re capitalising on a market that is increasingly eco-conscious, by offering a product with the right buzz words

This junk is everywhere:

This is some judgemental stone-throwing, but I’m guessing this merchandising company—that looks to be selling everything and anything they can print a logo on—is probably not too worried about it’s environmental footprint.

Some see “going green” as a bandwagon you jump on; I say it’s a values thing.

If you truly appreciate the importance of doing business in the most low-impact way, you’ll find a way to do as many things like that as possible…

Eventually you won’t be able to avoid the low impact option, because all others simply stop making sense.

Otherwise, you’ll look like that screenshot – capturing whatever market share you can in a desperate attempt to cover all bases.

We acknowledge that we work on Wangal land of the wider Eora nation now known as Sydney. Wangal land sadly no longer inhabits any Wangal people.

We pay respect to the Elders of the past, as well as current and emerging Elders of surrounding lands and beyond. Let's all care for Wangal land, the Eora nation and Country.

For self-employed creatives, normal business traps are easy to fall into and overcomplicate things - but they’re totally avoidable when flying solo.

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