One of the hardest steps to going climate-first with your organisation, is the very first thing you put out that declares it.
Whether the decision to do it was easy or not is probably irrelevant by now: You know you’re going climate-first, but deciding and doing are very different beasts.
So what do you do first? Where do you start? What do you change?
Change your outlook.
Instead of: I don’t want to make a big public declaration in case it looks half-assed.
Try: How can we not do this? Let’s half-ass something before we sit on it for another year.
That something is a simple declaration on your website that you’re transitioning to a climate-first organisation, and will be making progressive changes which you’ll publish on an impact page.
No changes required for today – just a declaration that holds you to account.
…and your published intentions will act like a checklist for you to monitor your progress.
For self-employed creatives, normal business traps are easy to fall into and overcomplicate things - but they’re totally avoidable when flying solo.
Learn how to keep things simple, enjoyable, and climate-smart in around 2 minutes a day by joining The Climate Soloist.
2025 Impact Labs Australia.