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         23 February 2023          Danny R.

Climate crackpots

Have you ever purchased a plastic alternative, or an EV, or the more expensive "eco" thing, and given your reason as some version of "because, you know, climate change", then noticed the other person looking at you like you're a bag of nuts?

There are people of all varieties and all levels of intelligence, who genuinely believe climate change is a conspiracy.

But it's not that black and white - there's a chasm of people in between who simply don't know much about climate change yet, or haven't seen enough to believe it's a thing, or have kind of ignored it because there's enough stuff to worry about already.

If you get looks like this a lot and don't think trying to convince them will work yet, dazzle them with cool trivia instead.

There's an effect that's being studied at the moment, that could be a small sign that the planet is attempting to help mitigate the effects of climate change. The study showed that global average cloud height over a 10 year period dropped by around 30-40 metres:

"A consistent reduction in cloud height would allow Earth to cool to space more efficiently, reducing the surface temperature of the planet and potentially slowing the effects of global warming."

Maybe it'll spark their interest in climate, or maybe it's the one thing that convinces them that climate change is actually not real - you'll need to read the room on that one.

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