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         29 June 2023          Danny R.

Calling out dodgy players

At the extreme end, big creative agencies who support fossil fuel companies by creating their ads, marketing, and basically helping the wordsmith-and-photoshop their way through greenwashing, are being called out.

Sometimes, it looks like this:

That's the CEO of Edelman, who has several fuel companies among it's client list.

At the extreme opposite end, other big creative agencies like Gale are pledging never to work with such companies, like ever.

Sometimes the pressure comes from the media, from organisations like the Clean Creatives movement, and sometimes it comes from inside the agency's own walls - from their team, or possibly even from other clients.

Having the gusto to stand up to a service provider, and telling them their client list is the reason you no longer need their services, is a tough conversation.

Seek out the Gale's, there are more and more of them every day.

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