I was chatting with a friend this week about green business stuff, but she lost me with biomimicry.
You could probably take a stab at what it means and she did offer a definition, but I still wanted to look it up because I like boiling it down to super simple language. I also like examples.
This is cobbled together from what I found:
Biomimicry = Sustainable solutions that mimic nature.
The idea is that your product or service can “adapt” to whatever is required for it to survive for a long time.
The sustainable part isn’t always automatic though. Nature is inherently sustainable, so mimicking nature is great if you can do it, but it then falls to the process and materials you use to produce it in a sustainable way… so there’s kinda 2 ways that sustainability feeds into it.
But let’s not take the shine off this – sustainable or not, it’s all just so awesome.
Some very cool examples of biomimicry:
There are countless more examples.
Not sure how it’ll help us yet, but I hope it was a fun read and, if you didn’t already know what biomimicry was, I hope this takes you into the weekend feeling smarter 😀
For self-employed creatives, normal business traps are easy to fall into and overcomplicate things - but they’re totally avoidable when flying solo.
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