Earth Day 2023 is approaching – you might have noticed an uptick in messages and social posts about it.
I’ve written previously about how these one-off posts, well intentioned as they are, can come come across as lazy, tokenistic support for a popular cause.
Here’s an example I received today:
Let’s celebrate Earth Day together! Simply look through our free images, pick your favorite one, then upload it to your social media. Done and done!
Again, lovely thought, but I wouldn’t say you’re done and done 🙂
The challenge I threw down in the previous article was this:
Again, as I mentioned in the previous article, the point isn’t to just shame people about their shallowness… It’s to inspire them to make a more meaningful effort next time.
Supporting causes is a great thing, it’s why the awareness days exist. Mass posting helps these organisations get eyeballs on their cause – it’s a bandwagon that will likely welcome all the loud trumpets it can get on there.
Token posts add a trumpet to that bandwagon… But really, truly supporting the cause is like adding a whole extra bandwagon.
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