Why does it feel so paralysing to get an idea off the ground?
For one, some of us are so keen to start that we don’t take a moment to create a vision of our future state.
With your impact program, a vision might be something like “achieve zero emissions by 2030”.
Today you’re at step A.
Your 2030 vision is step Z.
…this is where problems start.
We over-analyse how we’re going to deal with steps B, C, D, E, F and so on, when we’re probably a long way from even needing to think about that yet.
You’re at step A – just deal with step B.
Starting creates momentum – step C might be different in reality to how it looks in your head.
For self-employed creatives, normal business traps are easy to fall into and overcomplicate things - but they’re totally avoidable when flying solo.
Learn how to keep things simple, enjoyable, and climate-smart in around 2 minutes a day by joining The Climate Soloist.
2025 Impact Labs Australia.