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         28 April 2022          Danny R.

Fossil fuel fuels wars

This is generally and un-political newsletter – I like to get on with ideas and solutions and inspiration, rather than drone on about what governments aren’t doing.

But today I came across an article on the Guardian about the Ukraine invasion, and a statement within it grabbed me.

The article here talks about how Russia has a stranglehold on fuel exports for Europe, despite sanctions, which means it’s still benefiting from exports as well as the price hikes.

It goes on to name a handful of countries who are dependent on Russian fossil fuels (Germany is the largest importer) – the statement that got me is this one:

“Everyone who buys these fossil fuels is complicit in the horrendous violations of international law carried out by the Russian military.”

It also mentions how important it’s becoming to move our reliance off fossil fuels as soon as possible (it already was important but the war has made it more immediate. Russia made €62bn since the war began so we need to get off fossil fuels, like now).

A few days ago I shared resources for switching banks, as banks often invest in “dirty” projects like oil and fuel. And since they invest your money, it makes you an investor in those projects.

I’m getting the same vibe from the Guardian article’s statement.

I have dear friends who live in Germany and, like most people, are defiantly against the war. But as they refuel their car in with fuel purchased by their government, from the country who’s steering the invasion machine, they’re actually helping to fund it.

Changes like moving away from fossil fuels aren’t ones we can make easily or quickly.

What we can do now though is start to think ahead. I already know the next car I purchase will be an EV… when I’m not sure, but I know that I won’t even be tempted by the fuel options.

Your intentions are as strong as your actions, as long as you follow through on them.

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