The climate space is seriously booming. is an education platform and job board for the climate space. From their website:
“Climate tech accounted for 14% of venture capital dollars in 2021, leading to thousands of new jobs (growing rapidly!) in every business function.”
If you’re looking to recruit talent with a climate focus, their jobs board is not like anything I’ve seen before. It’s not your typical recruitment bulletin-board – they offer mentors, training, and other resources to prospective hires.
The climate space is becoming what the tech startup world has been for the last decade or two.
It’s the hot industry with the sharpest talent and the big problems to solve… what’s different is it’s not just for coders like the startup world was – climate literally covers EVERY job role, industry, department, and level of hierarchy.
It’s simply nuts to ignore it.
For self-employed creatives, normal business traps are easy to fall into and overcomplicate things - but they’re totally avoidable when flying solo.
Learn how to keep things simple, enjoyable, and climate-smart in around 2 minutes a day by joining The Climate Soloist.
2025 Impact Labs Australia.