There may come a time in your journey to net-zero where your climate status needs to be verified before you can go public with it.
Note that’s specifically your climate status, which is saying that your organisation is climate neutral, or climate positive. Unfortunately you can’t just say that, it needs to be audited and verified independently.
If you decide to obtain certification, that’s brilliant. It’s a huge milestone in your climate journey.
Until then, you can get a start on all the stuff you’ll be audited on.
Certification is a climate journey milestone that can be your first step, or much later than your first step. There’s plenty of stuff you can do until then.
For self-employed creatives, normal business traps are easy to fall into and overcomplicate things - but they’re totally avoidable when flying solo.
Learn how to keep things simple, enjoyable, and climate-smart in around 2 minutes a day by joining The Climate Soloist.
2025 Impact Labs Australia.