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         28 June 2022          Danny R.

11 more solutions

I’ve mentioned Project Drawdown lots of times here. Research backed, peer-reviewed, profitable climate-friendly business solutions with a proven ability to reduce greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, as well as being completely financially sound.

In other words – planet friendly money makers.

This morning the news arrived that in addition to the 82 existing solutions, another 11 have been added. It’s taken around 2 years to do the research, analysis and fact-checking for the 11 new solutions.

Drawdown is the absolute global authority in climate solutions, hands down.

In their words, the solutions:

“if implemented quickly and strategically, can avoid climate catastrophe. Not only that, they can more than pay for themselves in lifetime savings. And many have bonus benefits for reducing poverty, increasing equity, and protecting endangered animals and ecosystems. So solving the climate crisis is both a life-saving and money-saving move for future generations.”

These are playbooks for running profitable, climate-friendly businesses. With 93 different playbooks, there’s a good chance that one fits your organisation.

Climate-friendly is the new competitive advantage – well worth checking these out.

We acknowledge that we work on Wangal land of the wider Eora nation now known as Sydney. Wangal land sadly no longer inhabits any Wangal people.

We pay respect to the Elders of the past, as well as current and emerging Elders of surrounding lands and beyond. Let's all care for Wangal land, the Eora nation and Country.

For self-employed creatives, normal business traps are easy to fall into and overcomplicate things - but they’re totally avoidable when flying solo.

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